Embracing sustainability across Cardiff and Vale UHB

At Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB), sustainability is key to ensuring we can continue deliver healthcare outcomes that matter today and in the future. The following shares just a few of the many steps our Capital, Estates and Facilities team have taken towards our goals of becoming more sustainable and reducing our environmental impact.

We have adopted strategic sustainability objectives in our Shaping our Future Wellbeing 10-year strategy, as well as our wellbeing objectives.

Our sustainability agenda includes:

·        Biodiversity

·        Energy consumption and exploration of low-energy alternatives

·        Waste reduction and recycling measures

·        Water usage reduction initiatives

·        Sustainable buildings and infrastructure

·        A commitment to Active Travel

 Biodiversity at UHB

We are working towards an agreed Biodiversity Action Plan to establish a greater more effective Environmental Management System. While we have always worked towards boosting diversity across our green spaces, this Plan further commits the UHB to its environmental responsibilities throughout its extensive site portfolio.   

One of the UHB’s proactive initiatives is the WellBEEing project, which has established a bee garden at Our Orchard located at University Hospital Llandough (UHL) and introduced a number of bee hives at UHB sites throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

The hives have been registered on the National Bee Units website, BeeBase.

The project aims to help people understand their immediate environment and will also look to generate antibacterial strength honey, which will be used for research around infections and towards the healing of patients.

In 2021, we supported No Mow May, allowing UHB’s lawns and wild flowers to flourish and protecting pollinators.

Energy/water-efficient healthcare

The UHB are ever aware that the healthcare sector is a significant consumer of energy and water. Cardiff and Vale UHB is fully committed to reducing its carbon and water impacts and recently embarked on the Re:fit Cymru programme and an NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategy programme, both of which are designed to identify and adopt energy generating/saving technologies and energy strategies to meet the Welsh Government’s aims of a carbon neutral public sector by 2030.

The programmes aim to achieve both short- and long-term results.

A Combined Heat and Power plant installed at the University Hospital of Wales (UHW) is the largest of its kind ever to be installed by the NHS in Wales, it produces 60% of UHW’s needs, saving the Health Board around £1m every year.

The Re:fit programme is continuing on further with its LED lighting and Solar Photovoltaic installations generating electricity using energy from the sun, the upgrade of Building Management Systems and the installation of more efficient plant.

The NHS Wales Decarbonisation programmes are being finalised, ready for roll out.

In addition, a sustainable approach to procurement ensures all electricity purchased by the Health Board is renewable

Waste management

The UHB has for several years established a zero waste to landfill strategy, whilst looking to also improve upon its recycling activity.

Recycling stations at the Aroma cafes at University Hospital of Wales (UHW), UHL and Woodland House, Y-Gegin restaurant (UHW) and the main concourse area of UHW allow users to separate liquids, cups, plastics and general waste, reducing the volume of waste for disposal. All non-recyclable waste from these sites go to the energy recovery facility in Splott, Cardiff.

In 2020, 564 tonnes of paper, cardboard and plastic were recycled.

Throughout the UHB we have introduced crisp recycling bins. A recycling specialist collects empty packets free of charge and then converts it into pellets to make a variety of products.

The UHB has signed up to the UK Refill Scheme. The insertion of a free water fill station at Barry Hospital offers a popular alternative to single-use plastic bottles. More water fill stations will be added soon.

March 2018 saw the Health Board introduce washable glass cups within ward-based catering and UHB restaurants.

Active and sustainable travel

The UHB supports our visitors, patients and staff members towards making sustainable travel choices to and from as well as between Health Board sites. The Health Board provides a Park and Ride scheme and public transport information along with links to the latest travel and weather information in the local area. A Cycle to Work Scheme further encourages staff members into active travel.

UHB also facilitates a shuttle bus between University Hospital Wales and University Hospital Llandough, which enables staff to avoid commuting in their own vehicles between sites. 

All of Cardiff and Vale UHB’s efforts keenly assist and support the steps towards the success of the Healthy Travel Charter.

Further reading

Cardiff and Vale UHB is in a buzz about No Mow May

Shaping our Future Wellbeing

Wellbeing of Future Generations

Public Health Team

Cardiff and Vale UHB Champions Wales Climate Week

Cardiff and Vale UHB innovates in energy-efficient healthcare https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/news/home-page-news/cardiff-and-vale-uhb-innovates-in-energy-efficient-healthcare/



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