Volunteer Swim Support

Would you like to help us as a Swim Support Volunteer?

The clubs numbers have increased, and we need to recruit some more Helpers.

We have qualified Halliwick Instructors, who will train new people who join to become a Volunteer Helper. You can assist within the pool or poolside.

Barry Beavers uses the Halliwick method to teach and help swimmers of all ages and abilities to enjoy being in the swimming pool. Taking place on a Saturday 3:30 - 5pm at Barry Leisure Centre.

If you are aged 14+ and would like to help us then get in touch.

It is a Great place to be a volunteer, very rewarding, and many activities and special events to enjoy.

Time commitment:  This opportunity takes place on a Saturday 3:30 - 5pm.
Expenses reimbursed:
Unfortunately, we are unable to reimburse a travel expense.
Training provided:
Full training is provided.
Selection procedure:
Informal discussion, application form completion, 2 references and a disclosure and barring check (cost met by organisation)
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.


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