An explosion of volunteering was witnessed in the Vale of Glamorgan

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) Big Volunteering Fayre at the Memo Arts Centre in Barry was an explosive buzz of enthusiasm and volunteering sign-ups!

On Wednesday 24th January over 150 members of the public were both keen and focussed to explore the range of volunteering opportunities that were on offer from 48 local dedicated volunteering providers. 

GVS orchestrated the event ensuring it ran smoothly with both the public and recruiting organisations remarking on its success, resulting in a large number of people signing up for their new volunteering adventure. 

Laura Terry, Volunteer Development Manager, Tŷ Hafan (Stall holder) said:

"The Big Volunteering Fayre hosted by GVS was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our work, meet members of the community interested in volunteering and also to network with other amazing organisations. We had interest from around 25 potential volunteers who are keen to join us in various roles, which is incredible; but we also had the chance to inform many more individuals about the important work Tŷ Hafan does as a charity within the community. A huge thank you to everyone who talked to us and showed an interest in our services, and to GVS for organising such a successful event - we look forward to the next one!"  

Scott Dent-Davies, Community Engagement & Development Manager and Karen Thomas, Volunteering Development Officer - Wales & South West England for Marie Curie, said: 

“We thoroughly enjoyed the well organised event – GVS’s best yet! We spoke to lots of enthusiastic people about getting involved with Marie Curie through our Companion Service, Retail shops and in the hospice at Penarth. We look forward to seeing these enquiries become volunteers.”

GVS would like to extend its appreciation to the wonderful Memo Arts Centre team whose planning prior to the event and support on the day was nothing short of outstanding. GVS is also grateful to both Morrisons and Asda in Barry who both contributed to the refreshments on the day.

If your organisation is in need of volunteers, you don’t need to wait a whole year until the next Big Volunteering Fayre, please contact GVS’ Volunteering Team who specialises in matching volunteers with recruiting organisations.

Equally if you would like to make a difference to your community and volunteer in the Vale of Glamorgan, please contact us.  

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS), Tel: 01446 741706, E-mail:, Website:  Registered Charity No. 1163193


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